The mysteries performed at the foundry in Sheffield on the 18th of June. there performance was a album release party in collaboration with bear tree records. There album, afraid of tommorows released three days after.

The Mysterines are an alternative rock band made up of four members, Lia Metcalfe, George Favager, Callum Thompson, Paul Crilly. The earliest songs I could find were from 2018. I, like so many others originally learned about the band because of their appearance at the Arctic Monkeys tour, especially the sheffield dates where I found them. The main singer Lia Metcalfe even joked saying they wouldn’t be where they are because of Sheffield, because of the Arctic Monkey gig, and the fact that their drier is from sheffield. The Mysterines have a very unique sound with their debut album reeling being very grungy with songs such as ‘Dangerous’. The appeal to me from the band is the production of the music which enhances the raspiness of the lead singer’s voice which fits with the certain style of the band.

Unfortunately, the lead singer was ill on the night but this did not take away from her performance. The intimate atmosphere of the foundry sat well with the kind of atmosphere they were trying to set. The performance played the whole new album, afraid of Tomorrow, front to back with an incredible sound that originated from the first album but also kept some of the key products of the Mysteries.
The album started with the last dance followed up by Tired Animal, both introducing the new sound the band wanted to show off which I felt strayed away from the more rock grunge feel. Stray is one of the band’s most popular and recently got a well-produced music video. Goodbye Sunshine is an example of the unique Mysterines sound. I like how their music has such heavy involvement from all instruments which may sound silly but the instruments are all as part of the song as the vocals instead of being lost in the track which I find happens in a lot of music. Inside a matchbox and Hawkmoon played before my favorite of the album, Junkyard Angle which the band joked about singing in a church. Another another another, sink ya teeth and so long proceeded. The album felt refreshing as there was more of the unique sound of the Mysterines out in the world and the intimate setting made the listening experience even better, even with the random participating shouts from the crowd in between tracks. One thing I can appreciate is the Guinness the lead singer brought out.